We are thrilled to share the highlights from the 1st Project Partner Meeting of the Data Science Education in STEAM for Civic Engagement and Social Justice from the Early Years (DataScEd4CiEn) project. This important gathering took place on February 1-2, 2024, in the vibrant city of Münster, Germany.

Day 1: Setting the Foundation

The meeting commenced with a warm welcome and introductions, allowing each partner institution to present their unique contributions to the project. The European University Cyprus (EUC) led a detailed discussion on project management and administrative procedures, ensuring all partners were aligned with the project’s operational frameworks.

Mid-morning, the focus shifted to our core academic mission. MIC led a session on creating a scientific framework for data science education at the school level (WP2), emphasizing innovative approaches to teacher education in STEAM. This session laid the groundwork for transformative educational practices.

In the afternoon, WWU discussed the Teacher Professional Development Course (WP3), followed by LSBC presenting exciting scenarios for STEAM applications in data science education for civic engagement and social justice (WP4). The day concluded with a collaborative brainstorming session, fostering a spirit of cooperation among all partners. The day ended with a guided tour of Münster and a delightful dinner at Gasthaus Lewe.

Day 2: Planning for Impact

The second day began with a review of the first day’s discussions, helping to recalibrate the focus for the day’s agenda. EUC and NKUA spearheaded sessions on the development of the DataScEd4CiEn Platform and Toolkits (WP5) and laid out the framework for research and evaluation (WP6).

A significant portion of the day was dedicated to discussing the project’s quality assurance, evaluation, and dissemination strategies (WP7). The meeting also featured the exciting unveiling of the first draft of our project logo. These discussions highlighted our commitment to maintaining high standards and ensuring impactful dissemination of our work.

The meeting concluded with an open discussion reviewing the sessions and charting out the next steps for the project. This ensured all partners were on the same page and left the meeting with clear objectives for the future.

This kick-off meeting marked not only the beginning of our project but also a beacon guiding us towards impactful collaboration and innovation in STEAM education. We look forward to the journey ahead with great enthusiasm and commitment.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to make strides in enhancing data science education for civic engagement and social justice.

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